Others - Pawn Pleasure [v0.2.1] [adikt]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Gameplay is a bit different, but all in all not bad. There is still room for improvement.
    The girls look quite different and I am personally not a notorious opponent of AI content. I think the images are consistent, the texts (are they also AI?) consist of more than just three words and you can notice a difference in some skills when you increase them.
    Unfortunately, the content itself is still very limited. If the girls were willing to negotiate more, it would be great.
    What still needs to be revised, however, is the design of the texts when you get the same girl to do the same thing. The texts are always written as if it were the first time.
    In this sense, my advice would be to improve what already exists before adding more girls all the time and severely restricting the actions.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    For a first version proof-of-concept i find the game to be decent. The art, while Ai, looks consistent across different emotions/scenes and i havent seen any weird hands and stuff like that. Certainly one of the better uses of AI assets in a game I have seen so far.

    The game mechanics are a bit clunky. Sometimes i make a killing with an item, sometimes i struggle to break even. Earning money takes too much time right now. I guess thats an easy fix though. Hoping for more scenes with customers.

    I do want to know how the world population sustains itself without men as well :3
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Version 0.0.14
    The Game idea isn't very unique and the story seems rather loveless.
    Game MEchanics are strange and rather user unfriendly... it can happen that you only get selling customers that keep askeing for far more than the Item is worth and refuse to negotiate for profitable prices, makeing you skip through days with little to no aquiring, buying customers were something like 1 in 20 customers so earning money is extremly hard.

    Maybe this game will rise up to the challenge to improve in later builds but right now it's only an assortment of AI images without properly working game mechanics... and occassional bugs (MC Name is reset after prologue from what I have seen).

    So Gameplay: 1 Star (could be higher if more refined and polished)
    Story 1 Star (that's generous as the story is your avarage low budget porn flick)
    Graphics 2-3 Stars (it's only AI but atleast it's consistent and doesn't show artifacts, additional finger or limbs)
    Potential is there but it will take alot of work